Use these tips (some are quick and easy to do) to pay a little less on cold weather costs:

- Fans aren’t just for summer! In winter, they serve a purpose, too. If your fan has two direction modes, reversed fans can help to circulate warm air in the room which means you’ll need to crank up your heat that much less.
- Lower your water heater’s temperature and save a little bit on your energy costs.
Hot water heaters typically come factory set at 140 degrees, while 120 degrees is perfectly warm enough for most. - Is your water heater older than 10-15 years? It may be time to replace it with a new, more energy-efficient model that could help you save big on annual energy costs.
- Leaky faucets, boilers and pipes make energy and water bills rise. Have a plumber check out your pipes before winter sets in to ensure you don’t have any leaks and winterize your home smartly.
- Make sure that doors and windows are sealed tight to prevent hot air leaking and cold air getting inside.
- Protect your home and lower heating bills by installing storm windows and screen doors to block out the cold.
- Changing your air filters frequently can help avoid airflow blockage which can hamper efficiency.
- You can save up to 10% per year on your bill just by adjusting your thermostat! Programmable thermostats can help you to do this automatically, or you can do it manually before bed.
- Getting an annual heating system tune up can help save energy costs. A tune-up makes sure the system runs efficiently and help prevent any additional costs from potential repairs.
- Have a fireplace that works? Use it! It’s a great way to turn off your heat altogether at times and really save. Make sure that you get chimneys cleaned annually before lighting a fire.